miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Episode XXIV: Xi'An - China


The unification of China

Xi'an today is an industrial city that is located in central China. The extense Yellow River caresses its west side, and, beyond, the mountains divide the area of farmland with the beginning of the great Taklamakan Desert, and on the north, the Gobi.
Xi'an means: the Peace at the West, and has to do with its history. The city that today is still walled in the middle by 14 km of wall, was the capital of China for 13 dynasties, ie several centuries, even before Christ.
There, the emperors who dominated the rest of the kingdoms of southern Asia had born, subjecting them under the image of the dragon.
We were told that the greatest of their emperors, Qin Shi Huang, who ordered the construction of a mausoleum where he shaped his entire army in terracotta, was also a great dictator who killed many philosophers and wise men for disagreeing with him.

His army was also the cause of a historic slaughter, which somehow has become our reason for traveling there.
Xi'an is becoming known in the world today through documents and photos that have been public released in recent decades. After the Second World War, an American pilot, James Gaussman, or according to other versions, by Colonel Maurice Sheahan, who with little fuel, decreases his plane's altitude, and by passing over Xian, he looked closely at a large number of clusters that were not just hills, but pyramids.
Click aquí para acceder a más información
For decades the Chinese government took care to hide all that was related with these pyramids, until 1994 when they became public after the photographs taken by a German, so the Government of China had no choice but to make them known, but of course, not as pyramids, but as tombs.

The Hidden History of Xi'anLa Historia Oculta de Xi’an

When these pyramids came to light, the Chinese government declared that these approximately 300 buildings, although there are more, were tombs belonging to emperors and generals of the 13 dynasties. From the moment we arrived, we could see them: while landing from the plane, even in our way to our hotel. So we told our guide, Felix, we wanted to go to visit them ... the problem was that our guide knew about Xian less than we did.

In a very bad Spanish, he couldn't fully explain himself and always repeated the same song:
"Today...Terracotta.... soldiers ... Tomorrow ... .... Emperor... mausoleum ..." even when our question was: where is the bathroom?

We continue with the Chinese problem of the guides. In China they cannot conceive an alien who does not come for tourism. So upon arrival, we had an itinerary, entrance fees to museums, and the driver to take us to these sites, and the guide, who would not let us breathe.
We try to explain anyway that the travel agency had not understood what we wanted really, only a driver to go to the pyramids ... his response was:

"Which pyramids? There are no pyramids, there are tombs! Not important! "
Okay, they were graves ...

Video sin poder entender al guía

Until 1995, the Government prevented, even the inhabitants of neighboring villages, to get close to these buildings. Decades ago had been covered with crops that made them indistinguishable, but when they became known, all were forced to recognize them as tombs 2000 years old, they say from the Han Dynasty. The guide said that these graves nobody climbs them by respect. He said that no one opened them by respect for the dead ones ...

He knew nothing of these tombs, did not even know how to reach them.
The Chinese guides are forbidden to talk or ask about the deep history of China. To us, because of censorship, it was getting complicated ... But despite this drawback, our famous hacker could enter between links and books that she possessed, to retrieve this information:
In the central region and western of today's China, it was inhabited millennia ago by people and culture called Uyghur, or Uigur.

These people, coming from the center of the valley that is the current Taklamakan Desert, on top of Tibet, where, according to the book "The Keys of Enoch", became one of the first human experiments by the Interstellar Brotherhood of Light, as the First Race project. Today they are persecuted by the Chinese government, the idea seems to be that it's better if they do not exist, since they were in "Chinese soil" before being "Chinese".

Speaking from my memories, this race was the guarding of the Namum's Gates, a land belonging to the civilization known as Mu, where the people from Hyperborea and the Pacific went to exile 20 thousand years before Christ.

As the Nile to the Egyptians, this culture had probably taken the Yellow River as the axis of the Milky Way on Earth.
Many cultures have taken the rivers like the stars' path, but the interesting thing about these is that in both, the pyramids are found only on the west side of the river.
Their archaeological interpretation is that, as in the west the sun sets, the tombs of the dead are placed on that side, while the living do outbound side, in the east.

Notwithstanding this, in Xian, has no sense: the pyramid of Emperor Qin Shi is built on the east side of the river, while the others,on the west. Maybe it's his desire to seek eternal life, or perhaps because they have nothing to do with each others.

In China's official history, these tombs were built by the emperor and for his generals ... When we were on Maoling mausoleum, one of the small pyramids converted in tombs, Felix told us that in these two tombs were buried the most important generals that fought against the Yughun army, freeing China ... and in China everybody knows this general, because he is honored as a god.
Felix, in his narrative, had made a blunder.

The Chinese clearly do not worship the gods, but they do worship the armies' generals as such.
Among them, this General was stood out for "bringing peace" in the west, just after eliminating the Yughun people. The problem is that Yughun were the real owners of the land, trustees and co-builders of these ancient pyramids.

Drew attention that such great Chinese heroes were buried in so small and destroyed tombs, when the largest pyramids of Xian were abandoned as if nothing ... It had no sense.
The interesting thing is that the Uyghur are similar to the Mongols, but with one big difference: they are albino, blond or red haired, and blue eyed.

How does this story fit?
This people was the heir to the legacy of beings from the stars. The pyramids marked the path of history in the universe and its connection to the world of stars.
All the "graves" are aligned so that they could not be simple constructions.

When the Chinese people conquered and killed the Uyghur people, exiling them again to the desert, they unified China with its capital in Xian, under the fierce image of the Dragon. Probably the pole star at that time had changed to Alpha Draconis. Since then, the pyramids were converted many of them in tombs, someones covered or destroyed, and especially in recent centuries, hidden by the emperors and governments under crops, as these buildings meant a dishonour to the people and the history of China: White people building the pyramids of China!? Better dead!
Click aquí para ver el artículo
SAccording to The Keys of Enoch, this is the original people that the Confederacy appointed as guardian of the truth and the connection to the stars from the heart of Asia, but the new history had made them disappear.The remains found in China of red haired mummies were hushed and guarded by the communist government.
The history of China was clearly very different from what the books are telling us.

Videos sobre "las tumbas de los generales"

Squatters at the Pyramids

Based on the face of the villagers, we were the only four Western "tourists" they had seen walking on the pyramidal "tombs" of Xianyang maybe in years or ever ... at least, by the strangeness of our walk by them.
A day earlier, Diego and I had started looking the biggest pyramids that could be seen from the Google Earth, and marked them.

There were someones more inside the mountains, but along the river, a straight line marked something we could not ignore.
At least 30 or 40 straight pyramids forming something that attracted our attention.

If the Yellow River had the same function as the Nile and, in Egypt the pyramids were clearly representing the constellation of Orion ... what were these pyramids telling us?
When I started searching in the sky, I saw that the pyramids were located under the constellation Lyra. This resonated to us with the story of Orpheus, which we were analizing since Japan ... was a path to the underworld, or a way out of it?

But then, following the path of the stars, something more caught our attention:
We saw a group of small pyramids and, analyzing their shape, we interpreted that, as among all the pyramids these were the only ones built in a single cluster, they were like a kind of Pleiades, in addition to the position in which they were. With this group of stars as a reference, we began to draw an imaginary line across the sky, and we saw that the other pyramids were showing something interesting ...

From the largest one we found in the south part of the straight line of the Yellow River, one of the pyramids of Maoling Mausoleum, to the "Emperor's Tomb" near where the river mixes with other one at the north, the pyramids were marking a path through the constellations Orion, Taurus, Perseus and Andromeda.

What did that mean?
We thought that the alignment of these constellations also marked a path through the history of this first race.

Diego said that surely if we put in line the pyramids of Egypt with the ones in China, the three pyramids of Giza will fit with the Belt of Orion, in he stars - pyramids of Antares and Rigel.
What we were analizing was something that transcended the history of our humanity.
Humans have a history as hominids sapiens estimated at about 200 thousand years, or slightly more, which, according to the books, took about 1.8 million years to develop and invented the civilization just about 6000 years ago, which had its peak in the latests 1000.
Here's something that does not fit, and they are many and few numbers at the same time for such as so important developments. This we all have it clear, therefore, the key now was to ask: Where did this development and this homo sapiens came from??

The history of mankind does not begin in Africa or the Persian Gulf, but begins in Orion, in Taurus, in Arcturus ... Every civilization in history or uncivilized peoples, tell the same stories, and they all come from the stars .
The same characters, the same stars, the huge importance that most of the cultures give to the Pleiades, when they can hardly be seen ...
All this relationships are speaking about the true history of mankind.
Hace miles de millones de años, nuestros ancestros For thousands of millions of years our ancestors emerged from the stars. Upon arriving at our developing world they brought their genetical seeds and shared them in the world among all species and races. With them they brought their culture and civilization, which soon was adapted to this world.

The main building shape was the pyramidal, and, as our world is in 3D, the Octahedral pattern was necessary to anchor the light (because the polarity and the four sides or forces of material nature).
The buildings were machines of communication, transport and / or energy channel that allow the connection in Earth to the rest of the stars , but ... which were those stars?

The same buildings tell the story of the origins of each species or culture.
In Egypt, for example, Orion and Sirius are the first cultures to give rise to these people, while in East Asia were the Pleiadians and Arcturians. Draco put his hand, as it did in Central America, and many other constellations brought part of their culture, symbolism and language. And all these tools told the story of its origins: why they came, what for, and all the reasons that made this world an open portal for everyone else.

Nos dispusimos a pasear por las pirámides We set out to walk around the pyramids as we were being watched by the people of the villages. We went up with cameras, microphones and our unusual appearance to the place, and among some children playing and other elders gathering flowers (as it was the day of the dead) while some adults were walking and smoking and watching the gray landscape left by the nuclear power plant.

We wanted to talk about the truth of these pyramids from their own top , watching from the distance the dirty air in Xian, and the rest of the pyramidal hills as background, disappearing into the smog.
As we walked up the pyramid that we named "California," Diego wanted to record something about the story that was being forbidden for us in this region, when suddenly Maga could not hear him. The closer to the edge of the pyramid he was, the microphones were emitting a strange interference that we could not let pass by.

Video de las interferencias

The discovery

The guide told us that 30 to 50 mts. below the earth is the tomb of the emperor or the general, that they knew, but had never been excavated.
The only attempt at excavation was the Mausoleum of Qin Shi, which supposedly was banned out of respect.
In fact, under his pyramid, they found very high degrees of liquid mercury, supposedly imitating the rivers of the region into a huge model of the empire made for the king. However, as considered to be dangerous to health, they did not dare to open it, and the government banned the excavations.
The rest, no one ever opened them. But the clue was in the chamber 40 meters below the pyramid.

When Diego moved down the slope, the interference noise was much greater. We analyzed the antennas, cables that were around, perhaps other radio waves ... but the strange thing was that, if it were a wave, it should be felt in the top rectangular, flat part of the pyramid, and not below, in a hole.
By visiting other pyramids we noticed that all made the same noise; never, from the Canary Islands, the microphones had that strange interference. Most striking was that anywhere else in Xian or in Xianyang the noise is heard, only on the east-west slopes of each of the pyramids.
Each pyramid to which we visited had the lateral east-west half-sunk, and some even had gashes or deep holes. We started making tests.

We walked by the side around the pyramids, and in all the same coincidence: a strong interference going from east to west on the concave side, with a tendency to irradiation to the southeast corner of the largest pyramids.
What we were able to record is that on a short frecuency, perhaps a remnant of an interstellar impressive performance, was present in every pyramid and was recorded by our microphones. It seemed that all were connected at an angle between 30 ° and 40 ° degrees, passing a frequency that entered by the east side and went out by the west side.

Only in one of all the piramyds, the largest cluster we call "Pleiades", could be felt on top. This was because the roof had somewhat subsided. It looked like a great ground hole ... what made us think: that boxes, here called graves, are buried meters below ground and above, have been built pyramids which are covered with clay and soil. But that box radiates in such a way that has nothing to do with a connection to something else today, but maintains that frequency inside, and doesn't spread too far. We deduced this because only in the concave parts that were closer to the center of the pyramid this noise was divisible, otherwise, nothing can be felt. Xian pyramids are clearly an enigma that we will continue unraveling.
Videos caseros de las pirámides

Video desde dentro de uno de los pozos

A film that told us many things 

Quoting in such cases to the following film perhaps it may seem, like to me, a lack of respect to the investigation of human history ... but as we are all equally mad, sure you will understand. This is the movie: "The clash of the Titan", or in spanish "Furia de Titanes".
Obviously it's an American product, from which we can expect action, science fiction and romance, that seemed to me the first time I saw it, with no sense, but in the hotel, took another way. When there are 100 channels, of which 99 are Chinese, and one is HBO showing Clash of the Titans, clearly wanted to say something.
I began to see her differently, until suddenly something caught my attention ... The protagonist, was Perseus. And from here, and while we were traveling through the mountains of Tibet, along with Diego and Gaby, we arrived at several conclusions

- Trailer de la pelicula -

The key delivery that was notLa puesta de la Llave que no fue

We arrived at the Pleiades, and we seek a suitable place to deposit the key ... but no one was. Something in the air was saying that there was no deal, that Xian was not the place to open a portal, that today Xian was a dirty and dense place, and the pyramids are not what they were.
We all have been told: the Ninth Key doesn´t fit here. And to me, only I have been told: Between the Sun and the Moon ... and there were ... the Sun and the Moon, indicating something we couldn´t understood yet.
We took the key back, and we came back walking through the fields.
I had the feeling that something must be left there ... but I didn't know what. Anyway, early the next day, we would be collected to go to the airport.

While sleeping, in a strange dream, a Being spoke to me saying:

"If you feel you must leave something in Xian, you know what it is ...
you leave a light particle in the middle of the dark,
and so they will be connected ... "

At first I did not understand what he meant, but then my backpack came to mind: there was a stone brought from Capilla del Monte, Argentina.
And then I understood.

The antipodes united

If we take the world map and we superimpose on it a map of the antipodes, ie the opposite sides of the planet, we will see that for the whole world, only 5 countries are complete antipodes of each other: Spain with New Zealand, and Argentina-Chile with China.
When the point of greatest day-light touches Argentina, ie 12 noon, the highest point of darkness occurs in central China.
This implies that the dark side of Argentina and Chile is China, and the dark side of China are Chile and Argentina.

As we were 4 Argentines doing an energetic process of magnetic currents on the planet, it was obvious that we would be faced with the processes of the darkness of our reality. We were at a point where our darker side could come to light, especially where we will recognize in our skin the dark side of the Great Mother, our country.
Possibly, the release of the personality of the Great Mother, was something that had to be considered in China .

When I was told to leave a hint of light in the darkness, they referred to bring a little piece of the opposite side lands and consciously deposite it on the other side of the world to maintain the balance of yin and yang and begin to heal dark side of light.
On our way to the airport, we asked our guide, Felix, to make the driver stop the car in the middle of a bridge, on the highway, where I opened the car door and threw the stone from Capilla del Monte to the Yellow River. I felt like a funnel from Argentina was joining this old chinese center, and were activated as a small record of that consciousness that was uniting both land and minerals for healing of both plexuses.

The strange thing was that on the other side of the planet, between 4 and 5 April, at the same time I was putting the stone in the river, in the plexus of Argentina there was a super storm, with devastating tornadoes that cleared the Capital Area and its surroundings.
Possibly, the magnetism was connecting as the butterfly effect, or perhaps it was just something random, nevertheless, we feel that in whatever form, the plan was being carried out.
Already in the plane, we set our way to Tibet and surrounded by a gray sky, we saw the pyramids of Xian vanish in the mist.

5 comentarios:

  1. Super interesante los relatos, las experiencias y como siempre me quedo con querer saber más, pero sé que iran ampliando los comentarios y publicando más cosas. Muchas gracias por compartirlo un abrazo a los Caminantes.

  2. estoy impresionado con toda esta información, me despierta una pasión alucinante por todo lo que está sucediendo, la excitación propia de cuando se acerca un evento esperando por largo tiempo

  3. Muy interesante todo el trabajo de campo realizado en la zona de las pirámides. Los seguimos acompañando.

  4. increiblemente inteligentes al momento de actuar, felicidades la madre intuicion esta con ustedes un beso y abrazo de luz, los apoyamos.
